Week 18: April 30, 2017


Topic: Where do you lay your treasure? – Part 1


Bible Reading: Matthew 6: 19-24



Treasure is anything that you cherish and those things that are precious to you. Treasure is something valuable which is usually kept in a safe place.


When anyone mentions treasure, what usually comes to mind are money, jewels, precious metals, gems, riches and wealth. There is one important treasure that humans always overlook or take for granted. The universal treasure that Almighty God in His infinite mercy bestow on mankind is our soul/spirit that kept us alive.


Therefore, every living soul who has the breath of life must be grateful to the Lord God for this priceless treasure. “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and man became a living being” Genesis 2: 7. The purpose of this universal treasure is to propagate and promote the work of God in the land of the living. Therefore, it is our duty to use this God-given-treasure judiciously and for the glory of our Lord God. Whoever uses his/her treasure for the progress of the Lord’s work shall receive additional treasures, whereas, anyone who misuses his/her treasure will live to regret their action. For this reason, lay your treasures in the Kingdom and the vineyard of God.


If you cherish and value your life, you will obey and keep His covenant, then you will be His special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to Him Exodus 19: 5. Therefore, do not depart from the commandments of His lips but treasure the words of His mouth more than anything in the world Job 23: 12. Always rejoice at His living Word that sustains your life, like someone who discovers a great treasure Psalm 119: 162. It is then that people will know that you have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be His special treasure Deuteronomy 14: 2, 7: 6. Earthlings will now realize that the Lord has chosen Christians for Himself, believers for His unique possession and special treasure Psalm 135: 4.


Types of Treasures


Christians must be aware that there are two types of treasures namely the physical treasure and the spiritual treasure.

Physical treasure: Physical treasures are your wealth, riches, money, gems, precious metals etc. The Bible stated that the three wise men bowed down before Christ and worshipped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh Matthew 2: 11. Though Jesus Christ was presented with physical treasures which have spiritual significance:


·       Gold means He is a King

·       Frankincense means He is a Saint or Holiness

·       Myrrh means He is a Priest.


Spiritual Treasure: Spiritual treasures are pure heart, clear conscience and the gifts of the Lord including your life. Jesus Christ made reference to this when He was rebuking the Pharisees. He said it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks because a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, while an evil man will bring forth the evil things from the treasure of his heart Matthew 12: 34-35. It is clear that the spiritual treasure is always kept in the heart. Therefore, let the fear of God be your treasure because the fear of the Lord is the key to His treasure. It is written that “wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of Salvation; the fear of the Lord is His treasure” Isaiah 33: 6. Fear the Lord so that you will have the key to His unlimited treasures.


Treasures Belong to God


Humans must understand that treasures belong to Almighty God. The scripture stated that riches and honour are with God, enduring wealth and righteousness belong to Him. He gives them to whoever does His will Proverbs 8: 18. If you want riches, prosperity and stability in your life, then cling to the Lord.


Riches and Honour come from God: Wealth and honour comes from God alone, because He rules over everything. Power and might are in His hand and at His discretion people are given strength and made great 1 Chronicles 29: 12. He is the only One who can give you greatness and strength during your existence. Therefore, do not seek treasures from contrary sources.


Lord causes poverty and grants wealth: Only God is capable of bringing poverty and giving wealth. He alone can send poverty and wealth. He has the power to humble and exalt. Whenever He humbles you to test your faith, it does not mean that He will not exalt you in as much as you hold on to your faith without wavering. The scripture stated that “The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up” 1 Samuel 2: 7. Many people in the world today are busy accumulating treasures; some people are even stocking treasures in various countries across the globe.


Countless people are using their treasures to afflict and oppress others; numerous people are misusing their treasures in different ways instead of using it for the progress of the Lord’s work. This category of people is like the Biblical “man whom God has given riches, wealth and honour, so that he lacks nothing for himself of all he desires; yet God does not give him power to eat of it, but a foreigner consumes it. This is vanity and it is an evil affliction Ecclesiastes 6: 2. Though, God gives this group of people great wealth, and honour and everything they could ever want, but then He doesn’t give them the chance to enjoy the fruit of their labour. Instead, strangers enjoy them because they did not use their treasures for the Lord.


God in His infinite mercy will give every soul that uses their treasures in accordance with His statutes the gift of enjoying the fruits of their labour Ecclesiastes 5: 19. If you don’t want strangers to enjoy your fruits of labour, if you want long life to enjoy the fruits of your labour in good health, then use your treasures in good ways/manners.


King Solomon: God appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “Ask what shall I give you?” Solomon asked for spiritual treasures which pleased God. God gave him spiritual treasures of wisdom, knowledge and understanding; plus the physical treasures, wealth and riches that Solomon did not ask from the Lord 1 Kings 3: 5-13. God attached a condition to this goodness which is “If you Solomon walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days” 1 Kings 3: 14. Solomon’s love for foreign women led to his downfall. When he was old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David 1 Kings 11: 1-4. Solomon lavished his treasures on contrary gods instead of the living God. Therefore, the kingdom was torn and the minor part was given to Solomon’s son for the sake of the covenant that God had with David his father. 1 Kings 11: 5-13, 12: 16-20. Had it been that King Solomon did not misuse his treasures, his descendants would have been the richest and the wealthiest in the world. Learn from the mistake of King Solomon, and do not misuse your treasures.





Week 19: May 7, 2017


Topic: Where do you lay your treasure – Part 2


Bible Reading: Matthew 6: 19-24


We shall continue with the study by mentioning the implications of trusting in your treasure and getting your treasure through corrupt means.


Do not trust uncertain treasure/wealth


It is important for us during our lifetime not to put our trust in anything or anybody except God. People who put their trust in the Lord will be preserved, protected and well catered for throughout their existence. So put you trust in God alone.


Glory in the Lord: Do not glory in your riches or boast with your uncertain wealth. Whoever intend to glory must give the glory to the Lord God. Therefore “thus says the Lord: The wise and skillful people must not glory and boast in their wisdom and skill, the mighty and powerful people must neither glory nor boast in their strength and power, while the people who are rich in physical gratification and earthly wealth must not glory and boast in their temporal satisfactions and earthly riches, but let those who glories glory in this: that they understand, know Me personally and practically; they must be able to discern and recognize My character, that I am the Lord, who practices loving-kindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight says the Lord” Jeremiah 9: 23-24. For this reason whatever powerful position that you presently occupy and however great your riches and wealth, beware and do not say in your mind or publicly declare that you achieved your riches with your strength and energy. Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you the power, the opportunity and the good health to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant He confirmed to your ancestors with an oath Deuteronomy 8: 17-18. Do not trust in your treasures, but trust in the Lord your God who gives you the ability to produce wealth and power to become rich according to His covenant.


Trusting your treasures will lead you into captivity: In the world today, many people put their trust in their treasures. In fact numerous people are serving and worshipping their treasures like god. People who trust in their treasures and works shall be enslaved by the darkness. The Devil will use their trust in vanity of this world to put them in bondage and lead them into captivity. If such people call upon the Lord in time of their trouble, He will not listen because they neither trust in Him nor acknowledge Him as God Jeremiah 48: 7. Put your trust in the Lord and not in your treasures on any person, but lay your treasures in His vineyard, so that you will be blessed and not cursed Jeremiah 17: 5, 7.


They shall fall: Every soul that put their trust in vanity is at the risk of falling; therefore you must not trust in earthly possession or put your confidence in any man but God. It is when you put your trust in the Lord that He will increase your treasures and guides you, so as to use them successfully. It is written that “He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like foliage” Proverbs 11: 28. The Bible confirmed that those who put their trust in their might, power and earthly possessions shall bow down and fall, while those who put their trust in the Lord will stand upright Psalms 20: 7-8. If you don’t want to fall, put your trust in the Lord and lay your treasures in His Kingdom.


Treasures cannot redeem your life: Many people trust in their wealth and boast of their great riches instead of trusting in God and laying their treasures in heaven. Such people can neither redeem themselves nor save their family from death by paying a ransom to God. We must understand that no man pay adequate ransom price or pay God enough treasures to save his family. The price to save someone’s life is too high to the extent that your wealth will never be enough. Also, redemption does not come easily because no one can pay enough Psalm 49: 6-8. Since the ransom for a life is costly, and no payment is enough then trust in the Blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on the Calvary for free redemption of mankind by using your treasures for the work of God and laying your treasures in His heavenly kingdom 1 Peter 1: 18-19, 1 John 1: 7.


They are wretched, miserable and blind: Any person who is boasting by saying “I am rich, I have acquired wealth and have need of nothing, must realize that he/she is wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked”.

·       Such people are wretched because they are rich in this world, but not towards God by using their treasures for Him.

·       They are miserable because they have strayed from the righteous path.

·       They are poor because they do not lay their treasure in heaven, but they stack or stockpile them on earth.

·       They are blind because Satan has blindfolded them spiritually.

·       They are naked because the devil has stolen or collected their glorious garment Revelation 3: 17. Be cautious, do not trust or boast in your riches by saying “I am rich, I have everything my heart desires and I do not need a thing”, else Satan may snatch your glorious garment.


Rich people beware: The rich people in this world must not be proud, arrogant and contemptuous of others. They must not set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our happiness. It is the duty of believers to teach those who are rich in this present age neither to be proud nor trust in their money which is unreliable. They must put their trust in God who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. They must be instructed to do good and be rich in good works. They must be generous and ready to share what they have with others 1 Timothy 6: 17-18. Since money cannot be trusted, put your trust in God and use your money to do good; be rich in good works by using your wealth for the work of God.


Dishonest treasures


Many of the wealthy people in the world today gain their riches through dishonesty means, and wealth acquire through dishonesty ways are abominations to the Lord. If such people contribute/donate such treasures to the house of the Lord or use the treasures for His works, it will be unacceptable because it is dishonest wealth. The Bible emphasized on this issue that people must not bring the earnings of prostitution and dishonest treasures into the house of the Lord your God to redeem a vow and pay your tithe. You must not donate dishonest wealth to the house of the Lord or use it as offering to the Lord because they are abominations Deuteronomy 23: 18. Henceforth, refrain from bring dishonest wealth into the presence of God since fraudulent treasures is unacceptable to Him.


Consequences of dishonest treasures


We will mention some of the consequences of dishonest wealth in order to discourage people from seeking corrupt riches.


Dishonesty wealth is a deadly trap: Any wealth created through deceit is a deadly trap. The fortune made by any swindler is like a fast-burning fog and it is a recipe for death. Therefore, securing treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapour and those who seek them seek death Proverbs 21: 6. Since cheating to get rich is a foolish dream and no less than suicide, then stop making your fortune through deceit and fraud. Do not embezzle the funds of your nation or that of any other organization.


Ill gotten wealth does not profit: Whatever you gain by doing evil won’t help you at all, and no good comes from ill-gotten wealth. Riches gotten by doing wrong have no value and wealth gained by doing wrong will neither bring you lasting happiness gets you anywhere. It is written that “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, but righteousness delivers from death” Proverbs 10: 2. Since tainted wealth has no value, henceforth, abstain from exploitation and fraudulent practices.


Unjust wealth will not last: People who make fortunes unjustly are like partridges that hatch eggs they didn’t lay. In the middle of their lives, either their riches will desert them or they will pass away and leave their fortune behind. In the end, they will be fools. Every person who cheats to get money/rich will be fools at the end because such wealth will abandon them in the midst of their lives. The Bible stated that those who get their wealth by unjust means will lose their riches at their midlife and in the end they will become poor old fools. Jeremiah 17:11.


Another reason for people not to acquire their wealth through corrupt means is for them to live long. Those who obtain their wealth through dishonest means always die in their prime because of their atrocities. The scripture described those people by saying “they spend their days in wealth and prosperity and in a moment go down to the grave” Job 21: 13. If you don’t want to die untimely death or spend your time in prison, do not join organized crime entity. Do not perform money making rituals if you want to live long and enjoy your wealth. It is for this reason that the deaths of young people are so rampart in the world today because they want to get-rich-quick through questionable means.




Week 20: May 14, 2017


Topic: Where Do you Lay your Treasure –Part 3


Bible Reading: Matthew 6: 19-24


This study shall continue with the commandments of the Lord God concerning your treasures.


Commandments of the Lord


Humans must not use their God-given treasure against the Lord God their Creator, but for Him and His work. Therefore do not use your treasures to break other people’s homes; you must neither use your wealth to cause division among friends nor rebellion in any family. Do not use your riches to encourage others to seek the gain of dishonesty or join the ranks of the wicked people.


Be generous with your wealth: Do not be stingy, but be generous with your wealth. Do not favour only the rich and influential people like yourself with your treasures, but use them to take care of the poor and the wretched people. There is a Yoruba adage which says “The rich befriends the rich and the poor befriends the poor”. This is very rampant in the world, but the Lord God is against it. That was the reason Jesus Christ advised the person that invited Him to a feast that “When you give a dinner or a supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives or your rich neighbours; lest they also invite you back and you will be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame and the blind. Then you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just” Luke 14: 12-14. If you want to be blessed and repaid at the resurrection of the righteous, then use your treasure to take care of the less privileged people. Be nice and kind to the poor and the wretched.


Donate your possessions: People always give this flimsy excuse that the reason why they don’t like to give alms is not to encourage pauperism, so that others will work hard instead of depending on handout or government assistance to survive. One of the best ways to lay your treasure in heaven is to donate your possessions to the poor and use your wealth to take care of the needy. It was written that “sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which will neither grow old nor wear out, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys” Luke 12: 33. It is the commandment of the Lord, so sell some or all your possessions according to your faith to give alms to the poor.


Better is a little treasure: It is better to be obedient to the Lord by using your treasures judiciously and have only a little than to be very rich and terribly misuse your treasures. Therefore, simple life in the fear-of-God is better than a rich life with tons of headaches. The Bible stated that “Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble” Proverbs 15: 16. Make sure you manage the wealth that the Lord has bestow upon you effectively and use it for His glory before asking for great wealth that may lead you astray.


Provide for the house of God: It is the duty of everyone who intend to lay their treasures in heaven to provide for the needs of the house of the Lord with all their power and might rather than providing for abominable things, animal rights and environmental issues. Christians do not be left out of contributions to the Building Funds of the house of the Lord, and generously cater for the welfare of His saints. King David through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit stated that “with all my resources, I have provided for the temple of my God: gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, stones and marble of various colours in large quantities. Moreover, I have set my affection on the house of my God and in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple” 1 Chronicles 29: 2-3. Are you providing for the temple of the Lord your God from your personal wealth? If so are you doing it willingly or grudgingly? Are you not doing it because of eye-service or to show-off or fame? Do not hoard your wealth. Your profits and wages must be dedicated to the Lord to cater for those who live in the Lord’s presence, to provide them with ample food and sacred clothing Isaiah 23: 18. Do not store or save your gains, but use them to provide sufficient food, abundant drinks and good/fine clothing for the saints/priests who dwell before the Lord and live for the Lord.


Lay your treasures in heaven: Do not store up for yourselves here on earth and stop collecting treasures for your own benefit alone in this world. The scripture says “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal Matthew 6: 19. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” Matthew 6: 20. You have been informed, the best thing that can happen to anyone is to lay his/her treasures in heaven.


Promises of God


God have several promises for people who are obedient and loyal to Him by laying their treasures in His heavenly Kingdom. Countless of wealthy people are famous and their fame spread across the globe. They are well known figures throughout the world, but the heavens do not know them because they neither have good relationship with the Lord God nor lay their treasures in heaven.


You will be a lender: Though many people are wallowing in debt, but the Lord will send rain at the proper time from His rich treasury in the heavens and He will bless the work of your hand. You will lend to many people, but you will never need to borrow, if and only if you are obedient to His instructions to lay your treasure in heaven Deuteronomy 28: 12. If you want God to open His treasure and bless your work, you need to use your wealth prudently. If you want to become a lender and not a borrower, lay your treasures in heaven.


Wealth of the gentiles will be yours: Merchants around the world will come to you and they will bring you the wealth of many lands. The resources of the sea and wealth across the ocean shall be brought to you. Riches of distant lands will belong to you and wealth of the nations will come to you. Book of Isaiah stated that then you shall see, your eyes will shine and your heart will thrill with joy, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you. The wealth of the gentiles shall come to you Isaiah 60: 5. If you want the wealth of the nations/gentiles to be yours, use your treasures for good.


Your gates will be opened; they will not be shut by day or night because of continuous activities, so that rulers of the nations will lead their people to you with all their treasures. “Your gates will stay open day and night, that men may bring to you the wealth of the gentiles and their kings in procession” Isaiah 60: 11.


Treasures of the darkness and hidden riches: God will give you the treasures hoarded in the dark and concealed riches of secret places. The Book of Isaiah stated that “I will give you the treasures of the darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel” Isaiah 45: 3. If you want God to prove His existence in your life, be obedient and use your treasures wisely. For this reason it was written that great and priceless treasure is in the house of the righteous, but the income of the wicked people is trouble or vexation. Invariably good people will become wealthy but those who are evil will lose what they have Proverbs 15: 6. If you want great riches to reside permanently in your house, do not misuse your treasures.


You will glory in riches: You will be called priest of the Lord, you will be named minister of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations and in their glory you shall boast Isaiah 61: 6. For this promise to be fulfilled in your life, you must use your treasures judiciously. Furthermore, wealth and riches will be in your house, enduring riches will reside in your home and your good deeds will last forever Psalm 112: 3. For you to be rich and prosper you need to use your treasures for the Lord. For your home to be full of wealth and riches, you must lay your treasures in heaven.



Week 21: May 21, 2017


Topic: Where do you Lay your Treasure –Part 4


Bible Reading: Matthew 6: 19-24


The study continues with examples and consequences from the Holy Bible to enlighten people and make them to better understand this topic.




The following are the analysis of various examples that will aid people in their decision making concerning how to use their treasures and where to lay their treasures.


Beware of deceitfulness of riches: Be cautious so that the Word of God that you have heard will bear fruit and yields hundred folds in your life, just like the seed that fell on a fertile ground. Make sure that you understand this topic and apply whatever that you have learnt to your day to day activity.


Do not allow Satan to take advantage of you by using the pleasure and delight of this world together with deceitfulness of riches and wealth to suffocate the Word that you have heard and render it unfruitful; like the Biblical seed which fell among the thorns Matthew 13: 22-23. Now, since you know one of the strategies of the Devil, do not allow him to use the deceitfulness of your treasures to choke the Word that you have heard, but hold on firmly to your faith. Do not be fruitless, but be fruitful so as to put Satan to shame.


Do not misbehave: King Hezekiah was very wealthy; the Bible stated that Hezekiah had very great riches and honour. He had treasuries for silver, gold, precious stones and all kinds of desirable items. He had abundance of grain, wine, oil and livestock because God had blessed and given him many properties 2 Chronicles 32: 27-29. King Hezekiah committed an error when the Lord healed him of his sickness, he was too proud to respond appropriately to the kindness he had received from the Lord. He failed to show appreciation by thanking the Lord God for everything He has done for him 2 Chronicles 32: 25. Also he showed off his treasures to the envoys from the King of Babylon. Instead of him to repent and humble himself when Prophet Isaiah inquired, saying “what did these men say and from where did they come to you?” Then Isaiah said, “the day is coming when all your wealth and your people will be taken to Babylon”. King Hezekiah replied arrogantly, “will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?” 2 Kings 20: 14-19. Learn from the mistake of King Hezekiah, humble yourself and do not arrogantly display your wealth to cause heartache for others.


Bitterness awaits those who misuse their treasures: The story of the rich man and Lazarus is another good example from the Bible. Lazarus was a beggar that used to consume the crumbs from the rich man’s dining table. They both died, the angels carried Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom while the rich man went to hell where he was being tormented. The rich man begged to be given drops of water to relieve his pains. He also begged that somebody should be sent to go and warn his brothers, so that they will not end their journeys in hell-fire. Both requests were denied and he continued to suffer in hell Luke 16: 19-31. If you don’t want to end your journey in hell fire, use your treasures to take care of the poor and the needy. If you want to be admitted into the glorious Home, use your wealth for the Lord.


Be rich toward God: The wealthy people may lose out because most of them will be denied the opportunity to enjoy their riches. The farmland of a rich man was fertile and yielded plentifully. He said to himself, “what shall I do, since I have no room to store all my crops?” Then he said, “This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, so I will have enough room to store my produce/harvest and other goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul you have many good things laid up, for many years. Take your ease, eat, drink and enjoy yourself merrily”. But God said to him, “You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get/have everything you worked for?” This is how it will be with whoever store up wealth for themselves, but is not rich towards God Luke 12: 16-21. Be rich towards God by laying your treasures in His Kingdom, so that you will live to enjoy the fruits of your labour.


Take care of the poor and needy: Jesus counseled the rich young ruler that came to him and asked Him “God teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus replied that he should keep the commandments of God. Then the ruler said “All these things I have kept from my youth.” Then Jesus told him that “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” When he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was rich Luke 18: 18-23. Do not be sorrowful, but cheer up because our Lord Jesus Christ had instructed you on what to do to inherit His heavenly Kingdom. Though it may be difficult for people with great wealth to sell everything they own, but if their faith is little they can sell whatever that they are comfortable to handout and distribute among the poor.


Contribute your quota: Everybody need to contribute their quota from the treasures that the Lord had bestowed upon them. However small your wealth may be, please do not say your riches are too little and whatever you contribute will be inconsequential, but learn from the Biblical widow that donated two mites into the temple’s treasury. Ironically, Jesus Christ said the poor widow contributed more than all the people that donated money into the treasury of the Temple that day. The reason was that “every other person donated from their abundance, but the widow out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood Mark 12: 41-44. Since what you donate to the house of the Lord or distribute among the poor is proportional to the riches that the Lord had bestowed on you, then never fail to contribute to the work of God according to your wealth.




There are many consequences mentioned in the Bible, but do not be grieved to use your treasures for the work of your Lord God because He loves a cheerful giver. “Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give reluctantly or out of compulsion because God love a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9: 7.  Remember the pronunciation of Jesus Christ when the rich young ruler was sorrowful “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of GodMatthew 19: 23-24. We need wealth to survive in this world and it is not a sin to be rich; as long as you use your wealth according to the instructions of the Lord by laying your treasure in heaven, then you will inherit His heavenly kingdom.


Refrain from get-rich-quick syndrome: Many people in the world today are moving on the fast lane; they are in a hurry to realize their ambitions and become wealthy. Such people must know that great risk is attached to such conduct. They must remember that “slow and steady wins the race”. Numerous people are very stingy because they are trying to get rich fast, but they are unaware that loss will come to them. The greedy people always rush riches, but they do not know that danger will overtake them. It is written that “A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, and does not consider that poverty will come upon him” Proverbs 28: 22. Do not be selfish or eager to get rich, else you will end up worse off than you can imagine.


Do not neglect the poor: The self-centered people who do not use their treasures to take care of the poor will face dire consequences. The wealthy people who neglect the poor must realize that their selfishness will make them to become poor. Anyone who oppresses the poor to enrich himself/herself and those who shower gifts on the rich people will end their lives in poverty if they are not careful. The Bible stated that He who oppresses the poor to increase his riches, and he who gives to the rich will surely come to poverty Proverbs 22: 16. Do not cheat the poor to make profit, but take good care of them with your treasures.


Your wealth will be plundered: Adversaries will violently and dishonestly acquire your wealth. God will give your foes everything you own because of your sins. “Your wealth and your treasures I will give as plunder without price because of all your sins throughout your territories/country” says the Lord Jeremiah 15: 13. Abstain from iniquity and use your treasures for the Lord so that your wealth will not be plundered.


Wealth obtained by dishonesty will dwindle: Ill-gotten wealth will diminish and money that comes easily disappears quickly. Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes dwindles away and money realized/earned from fraudulent means quickly disappears. It is written that “wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labour will increase” Proverbs 13:11. Remember easy come, easy go, but steady diligence pays off. Therefore, do not seek dishonest treasure.


Wealth of the sinners will be given away: The wealth of the sinners is laid up for the just; every wealth acquired by the sinners is stored up for the righteous. “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children and descendants, but the wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous” Proverbs 13:22. Since ill-gotten wealth is laid up for good people and sinners’ wealth passes to the godly people, abstain from sins so that your wealth will not be saved or reserved for the righteous. Be upright so that all the wealth that you have laboured for and those hidden in secret places will not be given away.


Finally, remember, it is the blessing of the Lord that can make you to be rich without sorrow or heartache. Therefore, use your treasures for the Lord and do not seek dishonest wealth Proverbs 10:22.


The Seal: Luke 12:34: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.