Week 6: February 7, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 1


Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22




I stand at the door and knock says the Lord, then what is a door, a door is a moving structure used to block off and allow access to an entrance to (or within) an enclosed space. Furthermore, it can be described as a movable barrier that can give access or restrict access to a specified area.


This means the Lord is at the door knocking to gain access to us.


Types of Doors Mentioned In the Bible


We will discuss various types of doors mentioned in the bible to give use better understanding of the scenario, whereby we can then choose the specific one for discussion in our bible study.


Door of Our Lips/Mouth: In the book of Psalms King David pleaded with the Lord to set a guard over his mouth in order to control his tongue and keep watch over the door of his lips, so that he will never speak thoughtlessly Psalms 141: 3. Therefore brethren in the Lord, ask God to post a guard to your mouth and set a watch at the door of your lips because death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit Proverbs 18:21.


Beware so that evil doers will not lure you away from the righteous way with their sweet talk. The book of Micah - Micah 7: 5 gave serious warning that “do not trust anybody except God, also do not put your confidence or hope in humans”. Nevertheless watch what you say to people, no matter how close or intimate such people are to you, and do not divulge your secrets. If you do not listen then you will bear the consequences.


Door of Faith: Paul Apostle reported during his ministerial work how the Lord opened a door of faith unto the gentiles so that they will believe, and then partake in the Gospel and Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord Acts 14: 27. I want every soul to recall/recount the goodness and great works that God had done in their lives, therefore, you too must be considerate and explore fully the door of faith that the Lord had opened to the unbelievers in order for them to be saved.


Door of Salvation: God directed the Israelites of the olden days to put blood on the lintel of their door posts so that the Lord will pass over their doors and prevent the destroyer from coming into their houses to kill them Exodus 12: 22-23. Obedience to this simple instruction saved the lives of the Israelites in the land of Goshen in Egypt while the lives of the Egyptians were lost. For this reason let us always harken to the voice of the Lord our God at all times, even if we cannot comprehend.


Door of Redemption: We must acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only door of redemption and every soul that passes through Him will pass from death unto life which means such people shall be redeemed according to the Bible John 10: 7-9. Brethren let us think critically about this issue and hold on tightly to Jesus Christ our boarding pass to the next life. We must also accept Him without doubt that He is our Lord and Saviour who can make us to inherit the glorious home.


Door of Opportunity: The Lord opened doors of opportunity for Paul Apostle in Ephesus and Troas respectively. With the assistance of the Lord he utilized those opportunities by winning many souls into the Kingdom of God 1 Corinthians 16: 8-9, 2 Corinthians 2: 12. Please emulate Paul, do not miss any opportunity to preach, teach, evangelize or publicly declare your faith, so that you will be rewarded.


Door of Grace: It is only Jesus Christ that has the key of David, He is the One who opens and no one can shut the door, as He did for the -Church in Philadelphia Revelation 3: 7-8. I pray that the door of grace and progress which the Lord opens in our lives will not be closed by sins and Satan. In addition His Key of David will close permanently the door of tears and sorrow in our lives.


Door of Spirit/Revelation: Jesus Christ kept His word in the life of John the apostle’s which stated that, “Assurely, I say to you, there are some standing here that shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom” Matthew 16: 28. The word came to pass when John saw a door standing open in heaven with a loud voice inviting him to come up whereby the future events was revealed to him Revelation 4: 1. He that revealed the secret of heaven to John the apostle is alive and He will fill our lives with gifts of the Holy Spirit if we obey Him and endure.




Week 7: February 14, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 2


Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


Door of the Word (Gospel): The word of the Lord is not spreading across the globe as fast as it should whereas news/events are spreading at an alarming rate. When the word spreads it is not effective or potent because people are using their wisdom to interpret the WORD instead of using the divine wisdom of God.

This confirm that people lack the knowledge of God and they also fail to pray seriously for God to open the door for His WORD in the four cardinal points of this world Colossians 4: 3. Christians, always pray to God to give you the opportunity by opening the door for His WORD, so that you will be able to speak confidently about His mysterious plan/work concerning Christ and the Gospel.


Door of Our Heart: Last, but not the least is the door of our hearts.

God need access to our hearts in order to guide, guard and direct our daily activities which will enable Him to stir us towards the fountain of life Revelation 3: 20. He did not want the Devil to win us over, so that we will not spend our eternity in hell fire. That is the reason He stands at the door of our hearts and continue to knock to gain access to our hearts in order to rule and reign eternally in our hearts.


Beginning Of the Episode (Door of Heart):


We will be discussing the door of our hearts. In the beginning after the Lord created mankind and gave us the dominion of the earth. The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth and He saw that everything we thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil Genesis 6: 5. Despite the fact that God sent Jesus Christ His only begotten Son to us, the situation did not improve. We can even say that the condition is getting worse, which is the reason the Almighty God gave us the chance to change by coming into our hearts.


It is the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God (God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are one indivisible entity) that will come into our hearts to direct our thoughts, actions and reactions which will make it difficult for Satan to hijack our souls.  


Jesus Christ said in the book of Revelation 3:20, “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.” Therefore if you intend/want to share a spiritual meal with Jesus Christ as friends, then do not keep Him waiting at the door; do not hesitate to open the door of your heart for Him today.


Open The Door of Your Heart Today


Before we proceed, we have to know the definition of heart. “Heart of humans is a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation”. In biblical term” the heart denotes a person’s center for both physical and emotional activities, intellectual and moral activities. It can even be described as the center of all operations of human life.


Since the mind is “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think and to feel, in a nut shell it is the faculty of consciousness and thought. For this reason heart and mind will be used interchangeably during our discussions. The heart/mind is the physical part while the soul/spirit is the spiritual/invisible part of human being.


We must realize that our God is a spirit, even if we cannot see Him, He sees us, He knows everything and He can do everything in this world and heaven. Therefore, anyone who wants to communicate with God or relate to Him must do it in spirit. It is because of this reason that the Bible stated that “the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” John 4: 23.


Brethren in the Lord, do not mortgage your soul to the Devil, but open the door for the Lord to come in. If you want your service/worship to be acceptable to the Lord, then start serving/worshipping Him from now in truth and in spirit.


Heart Is Difficult To Search/Access


The heart of human being is like a very wide space which is difficult to search. That is why you may not have the knowledge that the people you wine and dine together might be after your life while pretending to be a nice person. It may even be that the person sitting beside you is thinking/plotting in his/her mind to harm you whereas you may not have any hint of the nefarious plan during your discussion.


Only God Can Successfully Search the Heart


God Almighty is the only King that is capable and has the ability to search humans’ hearts. The Bible testifies to it in the book of Proverbs 21:1 saying “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes” from the passage we can deduce that we can only deceive human beings like ourselves, but God can never be deceived.


Week 8: February 21, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 3


Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


You Must Not Deny God The Access To Your Heart


Mankind must realize that we are dust and it is the “breath of life” from God that made us to be living souls. It is stated in the Bible that “then the dust will return to the earth as it was and the spirit will return to God who gave it” Ecclesiastes 12: 7. Since our spirit or soul belongs to the Lord, therefore we must not deny God the right to His property which is our hearts.


The Bible says “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to Him” Matthew 22: 21. Since your soul belongs to God, please open the door of your heart today for the Lord to come in, or else it may be counted as disobedience. If you refuse to open the door of your heart for Him, then, you have no portion in God and God have no portion in you.


This World is Vanity


King Solomon (the preacher) made intense and diligent research for several years concerning the benefit of human existence in this world. His investigation was regarding our labours and desires, our goals and achievements, our riches/wealth and investments, our pains and worries, our characters and relationships, last but not the least our actions and reactions.


He concluded that “vanity of vanities” all is vanity says the preacher. Ecclesiastes 1:2, 1:14, 2:1, 2:11, 2:15-19, 2:21-26, 3:19, 4:4, 4:7-8, 4:16,

5:7-10, 6:2-4, 6:9-11, 7:6, 7:15.


Christians, if we know that everything in this world is vanity, why not open the door of your heart for the Lord today so that He can guide your steps in this world and light your spiritual path before it is too late.


We must not miss this great opportunity presented to us on a platter of gold to rule and reign forever with Him in heaven.


Expectation of People that Open or Close Their Heart


When you open the door of your heart for the Lord to come into your mind, it is the best decision any human being can make.


Let me tell you categorically that you are not doing the Lord any favour by opening the door of your heart; instead you are prompting Him to be committed to you by fulfilling His Words in your life.


Invariably, He will certainly answer all your requests and grant your heart desires that are not in conflict with His doctrines purposely because of your obedience. However, if you refuse to open the door of your heart for the Lord, you are doing yourself a great disservice because such people will be in perpetual bondage and under the shadow of death.


Satan will continue to rule and reign in their minds, eventually the Devil will ruin their lives without remedy.


The heart of such people will be darkened since they are stubborn and deny the spiritual Light the access to their innermost part. Therefore, their lives will be overshadowed by darkness and darkness shall never depart from them unless they retrace their steps and rescind their decision.


I congratulate every soul that opens the door of their hearts for the Lord because they will live a risk-free and satisfied life in the land of the living. It is this group of people that shall inherit the earth and they will be rewarded in heaven.



Week 9: February 28, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 4


Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


The Adamant People


Brethren, do not harden your heart against the Lord, but open the door of your heart for Him instantly; please learn from Pharaoh’s mistake and the consequences that followed Exodus 7: 13-14, 22. If you don’t want to perish with the world or die prematurely for enemies to mock, then, do not be stubborn or adamant, but yield immediately by opening the door of your heart.


The Bible warned in the book of Hebrews 3: 8-11 that we must not harden our hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trial in the wilderness. When our forefathers tested and tried God, He was angry with that generation because they did not allow the Lord to rule their hearts. This mistake made that generation with the exception of few souls to end their journey in Satan’s camp because they did not enter the “eternal rest of God”.


My people if you don’t want 40 days journey to turn to 40 years in your life, then do the right thing. Also if you don’t want to end your eternity in the lake of fire burning with brimstone, make the right choice now before it is too late.


Prerequisite for God to Access Your Heart


Before the Lord will access your heart there are certain conditions that must be met, and failure to have these conditions ready shall prevent the Lord from coming into your heart. It is these conditions that will show your level of preparedness and prove to the Lord that you are ready to accept Him into your heart.


Some of this conditionality will be discussed in detail, but we must keep in mind that the conditions are not limited to those that will be discussed in our study.


Your soul must pants for the Lord, just like how the deer pants for streams of water, let your mind longs for the presence of the Lord Psalm 42: 1. King David through divine inspiration prepared his heart for the Lord. You also should let your soul and every ounce of blood in your system thirst for the manifestation of God in your heart/life.


As the Bible stated that we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and every other thing shall be added to you Matthew 6: 33. You must let the Kingdom of God be:

·       Paramount in your heart.

·       Be your primary goal.

·       Be your priority and

·       You must talk, think plus focus on the Kingdome of your heavenly Father.

·       You must accept and agree that the commandments of the Lord are right.

·       In addition, you must prove that the statues of the Lord are the joy of your heart and the Word of the Lord is pure, giving light to the eyes Psalm 19: 8.


Remember you cannot deceive the Lord so everything you profess and confess must come willingly from the bottom of your heart or else it might hinder the Lord from accessing your mind.


You must trust in the Lord with all your heart, and you must not trust your own understanding. Please put your hope and confidence in the Lord and do not depend on your own smartness or understanding says the Bible Proverbs 3: 5.


It must be clear that you did not put your trust in humans or any other creation of God and you must not depend on your intelligence but submit your life totally to God so that He can take total control.


Your heart is the most important thing in your life because it can make or break your eternal resting place and solidify or ruin your relationship with the Lord.


Brethren keep your heart with all diligence, because issues of life spring/comes from it Proverbs 4: 23. Since your heart is the reasoning faculty, you must guard your heart judiciously because everything you do flows from it. Therefore, keep your heart pure and secure it above all other things because the important decisions that determine the course of your life come from it.


Whatever God does it for our good, even if we cannot comprehend what is happening; disobedience is not the answer. At times He may test us to affirm that we have not surrender our hearts to the Devil and forget the Person that paid the ransom on the cross Deuteronomy 8: 2-5. Therefore let us remember with passion the Lord our God that led us through the spiritual wilderness of the earth and saw us through (or end) the miseries of our lives. He provides for our needs and makes our welfare His priority while testing us to see that we have not fall “out of line”. He corrects and disciplines us based on the Love He has for us as stated in the book of Revelation 3: 19, that “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten”. Therefore whenever He is correcting us, He is demonstrating His genuine love for us because He cares for us.


Furthermore, the book of Psalms verified that it is only God that tests the hearts and mind of humans. He is testing us to prove our characters in order to do us good if we pass our test Psalm 7: 9. The summary is that before God comes into your heart He will test you and unless you pass He will not access your mind.




Week 10: March 6, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 5


Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


Prerequisite for God to Access Your Heart (Contd)


You have to show that you are ready for this important visitor to come into your heart most especially if you are in grief/sorrow or if you are under emotional/physical stress/pain. Because the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such that have contrite spirit, says the Bible Psalm 34: 18. From this passage we can deduce that the Lord knows your condition and He is not happy about it, but in order for Him to rescue you, He needs to come into your heart/life.


You must demonstrate your readiness by showing remorse for your sins and let your actions declare that you regret your shortcoming or bad behaviours. It is then that the Lord will be prompted to come without hesitation into your heart.


Additionally, the book of Psalm 51: 17 corroborated this fact when it stated that “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken spirit and a contrite heart, these, O God, You will not despise”. Since the sacrifice that God desire is a broken spirit then let Him know that you come to Him with a broken and repentant heart which He cannot reject.


Brethren, do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. Soon they shall be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb Psalm 37: 1-2. Christians we must neither worry about the wicked that are progressing in life nor envy those that made their wealth through dishonest means because whatever reign or position they have is for a brief period.


Since we know this fact, do not bother yourself about the sinful people that are advancing in life or be troubled about the godless that are having breakthrough. Don’t let their riches or wealth sway you from righteous path by being jealous of their achievements because whatever they have will never last or endure.


Whatever your situation, please be patient with the Lord because “for My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” says the Lord Isaiah 55: 8. With this explanation, you must realize that you must not be in haste, but wait for the Lord.


You must be strong and take heart during your waiting period or else the problem will overcome you Psalm 27: 14. What you must know is that it is not you who will decide when or how the Lord will access your heart. Therefore, let the spirit of forebearing prevail in your life then at the appointed/appropriate time, the Lord will manifest His awesome glory through you.


Christians do not be obsessed with the lustful things of this world; beware so that the vanities of this world will not give you false confidence to the extent that you will be foolish enough to say in your heart that there is no God Psalm 14: 1. It is only the corrupt people whose works are vile that will say there is no God. Since you or your action is not evil, and your deed is not an abomination, then do not be blindfolded by Satan to say there is no God.


Brethren whatever your post/position in the church or the community, whatever your social or political background, whatever your financial or educational states do not arrogate the success to your righteousness Deuteronomy 9: 4-5.


Whatever your achievements during your lifetime, it is not because of smartness, might or power. It is not because you are right or good, but it happens because of the grace of the Lord. Therefore, do not be an ingrate that will make his/her heart to be lifted up against the Lord. But show appreciation by thanking and praising the Lord in your heart at all times which will prompt the Lord to come into your heart.




Week 11: March 13, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 6


         Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


God’s Commandments Concerning Your Heart


There are several commandments of the Lord that can be found in the Bible regarding our souls, but we are going to discuss some of the major ones that can positively or negatively influence our daily activities.


God is One:


You must agree, and accept in your heart that there is ONLY One Genuine God who is the God of the living that created the heavens and the universe. All other gods are inferior and you must never serve or worship them.


Therefore, acknowledge in your mind that there is only One Supreme God; He is God both in heaven above and on the earth below. Also there is no other God beside Him Deuteronomy 4: 39.

In addition, you must understand and act accordingly that there is only One God:

·       Who can provide for your needs.

·       Heal you of your infirmities.

·       Give you victory over your problems/enemies and

·       Give you eternal rest.


It is this God that must be paramount in your heart and you must fill your life with His fear 1 Timothy 2: 5. When you recognize that there is one God and you obey His commandment, then you will succeed in the land of the living.


 It was for this reason that Moses sounded the alarm and warned the Israelites of the olden days that “Hear O’ Israel, the Lord our God is One” Deuteronomy 6: 4-5.

My people I am warning today; listen attentively and consider in your hearts that our God is One and we must love Him with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our strengths. It is then that He will give us our heart desires and make our dreams/ambitions to be realized.

Circumcise Your Heart


God want every soul to circumcise the foreskin of their hearts and not be stiff-necked again Deuteronomy 10: 16. It is the desire of God for every human to repent, have a change of heart and stop being stubborn so that they will not perish without redemption.


 Furthermore, since God did not love the death of a sinner, but for such soul to repent and be saved. Therefore, He will circumcise every heart that genuinely repents including the hearts of their descendants to love God with all their hearts and with all souls in order to live comfortably in this world because they have harkens to voice of the Lord Deuteronomy 30: 1-6.

It is with pleasure that Almighty God will change your heart and the hearts of all your descendants if and only if you will repent and allow God access to your heart and soul and make you to live forever in His Kingdom.


Since we have this opportunity, please let us utilize it immediately so that the wrath of the Lord will not come upon us for failing to circumcise our hearts as stated in the book of Jeremiah 4: 4. If you don’t want “the fury of God to flare up and burn like fire because of the evil you have done, to the extent that no one will be able to quench it, “then circumcise your heart today and have a change of heart.

Even if you careless about yourself, consider your descendants so that the anger of the Lord will not burn like unquenchable fire because of your past mistakes.


God want a Pure Heart


Our God is a perfect and faultless God that is why He desires that every soul should serve/worship Him with clean hands and a pure heart free of pretense, corruption, and pollution together with every form of idolatry Psalm 24: 3-5.

Brethren, if you want your prayers to be answered, if you want to receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God your Saviour. Then do not:

·       Think evil in your heart

·       Tell lies

·       Put your trust or hope in humans/gods and

·       Pollute/corrupt your mind with lustful things of this world.


Since humans can never be free from errors, then none can say categorically that, “I have made my heart clean and I am pure/free from sin” Proverbs 20: 9.

Though human being can never live a sinless life, but we must try our best and abstain from sinful lifestyles by not being obsessed by lustful things of this world that will pollute/corrupt our minds.


The Bible stated that God is good to people with pure hearts. Those people that keep their hearts pure because of the commandment of God despite the temptations that abound in this world Psalm 73: 1. Every soul that want God to be nice and kind to them, whoever want the Lord to be merciful to their household and fill their lives with goodness must keep their hearts pure for the Lord at all costs.


Jesus Christ discussed about people with pure hearts during his ministerial work. He said “Blessed are the pure in hearts for they shall see God” Matthew 5: 8.

If you want the joy and the blessing of the Lord in your life, if you want the physical manifestation of His power and glory in your life then diligently keep yourself from sins and your heart pure. 




Week 12: March 20, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 7


         Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


The Word Must Dwell Richly in Your Heart:


One of the most important commandments of the Lord is that “His word must dwell richly in your heart”. Whenever this situation happens then He will be prompted to come into your mind and control your life according to His plan.


You must remember is that it is this Word of the Lord that can be used to defeat the darkness during your difficulty period and when tempted by the Devil. But if the Word of the Lord is not residing in your heart, which means it will be impossible for you to overcome Satan and the test of your faith.


The Bible confirmed this fact in the Book of Job 22: 22 where it was stated that human beings must accept instructions from the Lord’s mouth and store them permanently in their hearts. Therefore brethren, listen to the instructions/teachings of the Lord at all times. Lay them in your hearts because they are priceless, and act accordingly so that His promises will be fulfilled in your lives.


Job during his ordeal did not forsake the Word of the Lord, even when he was dejected. He did not reject His Word, but allow it to dominate his soul. He testified that “He did not depart from the Lord’s commands and he treasured the words of the Lord more than his daily bread” Job 23: 12.

If Job can confess to this fact which means it’s worth experimenting

the idea of not straying from the commandments of the Lord. Also cherish every Word that proceeds from the Lord’s mouth more than food, while keeping the Word in our heart meticulously because our survival depends on it.


We humans that are created in the image of the Lord and have dominion over other creations must be compelled to listen, obey and fulfill the Words/Commandments of the Lord Psalm 148: 8.

If other elements of God both living and non-living are carrying out the orders of the Lord and do His bidding willingly, then, there is no excuse for us to shut His Word out of our heart, in order for God to accomplish His purpose of creating us.


Anyone who profess or confess to love God, but do not keep His Word in their hearts are liars, and such people do not know God. It is whoever keeps His Word in their heart that the love of God is perfected in them 1 John 2: 5.

Obey the Word of the Lord, let it reside in your heart, then His perfection of love shall manifest in your life and you will live in Him forever.


King David knew the necessity of walking before God in truth with all his heart and soul. Therefore, he instructed Solomon his son concerning the conditionality attached by the Lord for his descendants to be on the throne of Israel eternally. 1 Kings 2: 4.

If you want God to exalt and sustain you throughout your duration in the land of the living:

·       Begin to fill your heart with His Word.

·       Instruct your children/descendants to allow the Word of the Lord to live in their hearts.



Then, He will establish His covenant in your life just as He did to King David.


There is a king in the Bible named Ahaziah, he died of his sickness because he reproached the Word of the Lord by seeking assistance of Baal-Zebub and healings from the god of Ekron 2 Kings 1: 16-17.

Please learn from the story of King Ahaziah and don’t make the same mistake. Do not be a novice that lack knowledge and understanding of the Word of the Lord, but allow it to live richly in your heart and direct your path.


I encourage you to emulate King Josiah who followed the Lord completely during his tenure as one of the youngest king to rule the land of Judah. He allowed the Word of the Lord to reside affluently in his life and it was well with him 2 Kings 23: 3.

Today, let each and everyone take few minutes to renew the covenant of the Lord in our lives in the presence of the heavens. Furthermore, we must dedicate ourselves to follow the Lord, keep His word, testimonies and statues with all our hearts and souls.


There is a Yoruba adage that says, “Any river that forgets/abandon its source will dry up”. The same applies to us because without the Word of the Lord living in our hearts we are nothing. There is little or nothing that can be accomplished without the Word of the Lord; however, if we have the Word residing in our hearts then heaven is the limit Psalm 147: 15-18.

As we can deduce from the passage that was read that there is practically nothing that cannot be achieved by the Word of the Lord. It is evident that it is only the Word of the Lord that can turn impossibilities to possibilities. Therefore, allow the Word to dwell in your heart because it is for your own good.


It is only the Word of the Lord that can heal you of your infirmities and aged sicknesses that has been tormenting you. The Bible stated that “God sent His Word to heal us and deliver us from destructions” Psalm 107: 20.

If you want God to:

·       Turn the recurring illness of your life to history,

·       Snatch you from the door of death and save you from the grave,


Then let His Word dwell lavishly in your heart.


Because of the importance of the Word, Jesus Christ taught about it. He said, “He who hears the word and understands it will be fruitful, such people will bear fruit and produces multiple folds” Matthew 13: 23.

It is clear that we must understand and able to discern the word that dwells in our hearts before we can be fruitful. I pray that the Lord will give us the wisdom and knowledge to be fruitful in Jesus Name. Throughout our journey in this world we will never be fruitless.


There is a king in Bible named Josiah, God gave him the grace that he will not witness all the disaster that will come upon the people of Judah, but he will be gathered to his ancestors and he will be buried in peace 2 Chronicles 34: 27-28.

If you too develop a divine relationship with the Lord and let His Word dwell in your mind, then you will live a peaceful life and sleep in peace at the end of your spiritual journey. You will neither witness the calamity that will befall humanity nor the severe judgment of the Lord that will sweep across the world.


Finally, make a resolution today that whatever the circumstance the Word of the Lord shall not depart from your mouth, but reside permanently in your heart.



Week 13: March 27, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 8


         Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


Be Loyal and Walk in God’s Statues:


Another commandment of the Lord is that we must let our hearts be loyal and committed to the Lord. In addition we must walk in His statues and keep His commandments; it is when we fulfill this condition that God will come into our hearts to take total control of our lives. 1 Kings 8: 61.

Every soul that wants to receive favour from the Lord must be completely faithful to the Lord our God, obey His decrees and keep His Word as from today.


My people conduct yourself privately or publicly with a loyal heart and fear of God, knowing that whatever you are doing is for God and He is watching you. 2 Chronicles 19: 9. L

et all your dealings be done with loyalty; also in whatever capacity you find yourself, serve faithfully and wholeheartedly in the fear of the Lord so that He will reward you for your obedience.


King David prayer to God regarding King Solomon:


It is because of its importance that made King David to offer prayer to the Lord on behalf of his son King Solomon. He prayed to the Lord to give Solomon a loyal heart to keep the commandments, testimonies and statues of the Lord. 1 Chronicles 29: 18-19.

I pray that Almighty God will give each and everyone of us perfect hearts so that we will wholeheartedly have the desire to obey all the

commands and laws of the Lord.


King Abijam:


Anyone whose heart is not loyal to the Lord is doing himself/herself a great disservice just like King Abijam mentioned in the Bible. He walked in all the sins which his father had done before him, his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God which made him to end his life tragically 1 Kings 15: 3.

Therefore do not walk in the sins of your parents, but be loyal to the Lord so that you will not end your life in the same manner.


King Asa:


I want everyone to emulate King Asa who is among the pride of the Christendom because He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord just like his ancestor King David and his heart was loyal to the Lord all his days 1 Kings 15: 11-14.

I encourage us to do what is pleasing and acceptable in the Lord’s sight at all times so that He will be committed to us. Also we must remain completely faithful to the Lord throughout our lifetime so that it will be well with us.


Jesus Christ mentioned in the Bible that “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” Matthew 6: 24.

It is true; you cannot serve God and the devil at the same time. Today is the decision day; make your choice because there is nothing like sitting on the fence, and you cannot share your loyalty between God and Satan. If you want goodies from the Lord you must be absolutely devoted and love Him with all your soul.


King Solomon:


One thing we must realize is that because we are in good standing with the Lord presently does not mean that our hearts will remain loyal to the Lord forever. Therefore we must be very careful/vigilant and observant so that our hearts will not stray through the deceitful things of this world. “Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall”. 1 Corinthians 10: 12.

 Solomon began his journey on the right footing, but along the way in his old age, his wives turned his heart after other gods and his heart was not loyal to the Lord anymore 1 Kings 11: 4.

This is the same king that God gave the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that He has never bestowed on anybody before him or after him. Solomon became rejected by the heavens, he became dejected and his life was filled with miseries till his death. If this can happen to King Solomon, then it can happen to anyone. Therefore, beware so that Satan will not have victorious joy over you.


Eliminate completely whatever that can make your loyalty to the Lord to be divided or your heart to waver. Anything that can make you to stumble or opportune the Devil to derail your life must be totally eradicated. Had it been that King Solomon did not marry foreign women that diverted his loyalty to their gods maybe he will be among believers that are worthy to be emulated 1 Kings 3: 1-3.

Remember the saying, “if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell fire” Matthew 18: 9. Learn from Solomon’s mistake and abstain from whatever that will not make your heart to be loyal to the Lord.


King Amaziah:


At times people can do what is pleasing to the Lord, but lack loyalty to God, such people’s works are not acceptable. An example is King Amaziah who did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart because he quickly turned away from God to worship idols 2 Chronicles 25: 1-4.

Human beings can deceive people like themselves, but not God because He knows the secrets of the heart. Therefore, whenever you are doing what is right in the presence of the Lord do it wholeheartedly. Do not do it because of:

·       Eye service

·       Peer pressure

·       Any influence or retaliation


Nevertheless let your performance be willingly so that your faithfulness and devotion will be visible/evident.


Today, if you remain a devoted Christian, then all the promises of the Lord that was stated in these passages shall come to pass in your life because of your loyalty Deuteronomy 26: 17-19.

God will declare that you are among His people and His own special treasure, as long as you continue to obey His commands. Furthermore He will set you on high above all the other nations of the world. Then you shall receive unparallel praise, honour, fame and you will be a nation that is holy to the Lord your God according to His promise.


Reward of Loyalty:


Anyone who desire to prosper in life and enter the glorious Home whenever they sleep in the Lord, must keep the charge of the Lord their God to walk in His ways; keep His statues, commandments, judgments and testimonies, so says the Bible 1 Kings 2: 1-3 King David knew the significance of loyalty to the Lord that was the reason he advised Solomon his son concerning this issue. Therefore, if you want to be successful in all your endeavor and do well wherever you go under the sky, then be faithful to the Lord.


Almighty God will always protect, preserve and be there whenever needed for the people with loyal hearts. The Bible stated that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him 2 Chronicles 16: 9.

Another reason to let your heart be committed to the Lord is that whenever the eyes of the Lord search the whole world, He will be on the lookout for you to strengthen you because of your loyalty.


Our Ancestral sins:


My people, be rest assured that even if you come from a family or a lineage of idol worshippers inasmuch as you do not partake, support or encourage their nefarious activities, but you allow your heart to be loyal to the Lord. Then you will neither die nor be punished for the iniquity of your parents. You will surely live a fulfilling life Ezekiel 18: 14-17.

Since majority of us do not know the atrocities committed by our parents/ancestors. It is better for us to serve the Lord with a loyal heart and uphold His commands, statues and judgments. If we take this step then we will not be held accountable for the aged evil deeds of our lineage, not only that but God will protect and preserve our lives.


If you are drowning in the river of sins, do not write off your life because there is still hope. Once you can repent, reconcile with God and let your heart be loyal to Him from this moment. Then you will surely live and not die Ezekiel 18: 21.

Let today be a turning point in you life, make a resolution to desert your wicked/wayward activities. Start obeying the decrees of the Lord, do what is right and good from this moment. Then you will surely live and you shall not die, says the Bible.


King Hezekiah:


The only antidote for God to have a change of heart regarding the calamity that was designed to befall people is a loyal heart. When your heart is loyal to the Lord He can bestow longevity on you and resolve the problems of your life permanently Isaiah 38: 1-6.

How many of us can say “remember O’ Lord, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is good in Your sight”. Not many people can honestly make this statement. Therefore let us begin to serve the Lord in faithfulness, doing what is good in His sight and what pleases Him.

You might find yourself in a situation similar to that of King Hezekiah, but if you are faithful and devoted then God will prolong your life and give you favourable answers to your prayer requests.


Consequences of unfaithfulness:


We must realize that lack of loyalty to the Lord plus disobedience equals calamity and desolation Jeremiah 44: 20-23.

When people refuse to yield, when they refuse to obey the Lord and let their hearts be loyal to Him it is a recipe for disaster. Therefore, if you don’t want terrible things to happen to you and desolation in your area please be faithful and devoted to the Lord.


I will make reference to the words of King David that stated that we must know the God of our father and serve Him with a loyal heart and willing mind. Because the Lord searches all hearts and understand all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever 1 Chronicles 28: 9.

Anyone that turn away from the Lord to do evil, He will turn His back on such people. Therefore, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately, worship and serve Him with you whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. Seek Him, find Him and hold on tightly to Him so that He will not reject you.

Finally, embrace the Word of the Lord written in the following passage in the Bible so that things will go properly with you and your children after you. You will also live long in the land the Lord gives you Deuteronomy 4: 40.

My people obey the precepts and commands that were read to our hearing today, so that all will be well with you and your descendants. God will make you to enjoy long life and take you from your promise land to land of fulfillment of your dreams in Jesus Name.


Happy Easter Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Week 14: April 3, 2016


Topic: Behold I stand at the door and knock – Part 9


         Bible Reading: Revelation 3: 14-22


Do not Harden Your Heart or Rebel Against God:


One of the greatest commandments of the Lord is that you must not harden your heart or rebel against the Lord your God. No matter your status before the Lord, if you are stubborn or you rebel against Him, He will forsake you and turn His back on such a person.


Joshua and Caleb:


The Israelites harden their hearts against the Lord; they rebelled in the wilderness in the day of trial. Even though they have witnessed and tasted the supreme power/miracles of God, they doubted, tested and tried the Lord. God was angry with that generation for forty years whereby that generation with the exception of Joshua and Caleb died/perished in the desert. Since they are people who go astray in their hearts and they do not have the knowledge of His ways. Due to their rebellion they did not enter the eternal rest of God Psalm 95: 8-11.

My people learn from the mistake of the Israelites of the olden day. They escaped the slavery/bondage in Egypt but perished in the desert. If you want to enter the eternal rest of the Lord after all your efforts/sacrifices in the land of the living do not harden your heart or rebel against the Lord. Please emulate Joshua and Caleb who are submissive and obedient to the Lord. Their action makes them to lead the remnant of the people of the Lord into the land of Canaan (the promise land).

Pharaoh King of Egypt:


Another case study is Pharaoh and the Egyptians that harden their hearts and refused to let the Israelites leave their land. God dealt harshly with them through various types of plagues 1 Samuel 6: 6. Therefore, don’t be stubborn and rebellious as Pharaoh and the Egyptians. The repercussion of their disobedience led to lost of many souls together with economic downturn. It is then that they were eager to let Israel go. Brethren, if you don’t want baptism of destruction like Pharaoh and the Egyptians that perished in the Red Sea, do not harden your heart or rebel against the Lord.


Aaron the Priest of God:


We must realize that our God is not bias; He is not partial; He doesn’t discriminate or exhibit favoritism because He is the judge of all judges. That was the reason Aaron the priest did not enter the promise land because he rebelled against His word at the water of Meribah Numbers 20: 23-24.

 If God did not exempt Aaron the priest from punishment for his rebellious activity whereby he died without stepping into the land of Canaan, do you think you will be spared if you harden your heart or rebel against the Lord? No the same fate awaits every rebellious soul.


Moses the Prophet of God:


Moses also did not enter or lead the Israelites into the promise land, though he saw the land from far distance. He too was punished for his rebellious activity because he failed to honour and give glory to the Lord before the congregation of His people Numbers 27: 12-14.

If God did not consider His friendship with Moses, but punished him accordingly, then no rebellious activity of humans shall go unpunished.


Whatever you are passing through physically or spiritually please do not rebel against the Lord. Moses advised the Israelites, “not to rebel against the Lord” but he himself later rebelled at the water of Meribah Numbers 14: 9.

Human beings are prone to rebellion during our lifetime, but you have to be on your guard so that Satan will not make you to rebel against the Lord or harden your heart to His words. Let this be in your memory that “with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Consequences of Stubbornness and Rebellion:


The Bible stated “woe to the rebellious children, says the Lord” Isaiah 30: 1. If you don’t want the curse of the Lord to come upon you and your descendants, then do not be adamant or rebel against Him.


The Word of the Lord stipulates that any stubborn and rebellious person who did not obey the Lord together with their parent/guardian must be stone to death. Nowadays we have to respect the law of the land (or the government) so there is abolition of this practice, but that does not mean such people will not witness punishment of the Lord in their lives Deuteronomy 21: 18-21. Anyone that is headstrong and rebel against the Lord through their action, reaction or utterances shall witness disaster and regret in their lives.


Calamity awaits every soul that harden his/her soul, says the Bible Proverbs 28: 14. If you don’t want tragedy and misfortune to befall you but you want to be blessed and be happy, then do not be adamant or rebel against the Lord.


Expectation of Submission and Obedience:


The only way for the Lord to give you your heart’s desire without holding back is through submission and obedience. Therefore do not harden your heart or rebel against the Lord Psalm 21: 2.

Every soul that wants the Lord to grant them their heart desire beyond human comprehension must not harden their heart, but be submissive and obedient.


Whatever you plan in your heart, God will give you a favourable answer as long as you are submissive and obedient to His commandments Proverbs 16: 1.

Anyone that wants the good plans of their mind to materialize and succeed in their endeavor must not harden their hearts or rebel against the Lord.


Finally, I want us to know that you can plan the course of your life in your heart, but it is only the Lord that can establish your spiritual steps based on your attitude and relationship with Him Proverbs 16: 9.

Therefore if you want God to direct your steps and make your dreams come true, if you want to be successful in life you have to be submissive and obedient because He determines the outcome of your route.